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Handcrafted macrameworks and earrings.

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Iamyoubotique, Via Karelia Crafts, luontokuvat, käsityöt (2).jpeg
Iamyoubotique, Via Karelia Crafts, luontokuvat, käsityöt (2).jpeg


Ellanka logo Via Karelia Crafts.png

Ella Häkkinen

Making handicrafts is a part of Ella's heritage. As a child she loved to play with yarns and make tiny handicrafts out of them. Her enthusiasm in crafting stopped for years until one day she was inspired to learn the macramé-technique, sparkling the inspiration for crafting again. 


Ella makes key ribbons, wall decorations and hanging baskets by using the macramé-technique. She has also started to make earrings. Along with beautiful and classical pieces she has expanded her work towards a more colourful and experimental style. Some of these works have revealed themselves to her in advance, telling their name and colour. Ella does not want to limit her inspiration, but rather surrenders to a process in which the materials command the pace and style.


Ella's key ribbons arose from her own need as a teacher. She was wondering where one could get beautiful and practical ribbons from, and then started to make them by herself. Secondhand beads make the ribbons jewellery-like giving them colour and personality. 


Ella loves to dive in crafting because of it´s flow-state, aesthetics and creative problemsolving. While making handicrafts she feels completely present in the here and now. 

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